Essentially, we use the command-line to solve some spesific problem or obtain information of any application. we got used to execute program which have cute and user-friendly interfaces(even use the mouse). If we say that, in the world, there are some program but it has no interface which is created for 21th century users :). It has no mouse action, a tool bar or navigator e.g.

For example: I am using the text editor to write this article, the excellent program has a perfect navigator, multi-tabs, info about line and column number update so on.

well, we learned that there could be programs without interface.


we use the terminal to run that devilish programs by using some command like as follows:

# ==> this command say that sir, please create new directory in current directory
~username $ mkdir <new-directory-name>
# ==> have you ever seen the rigth-click and create new folder or directory
# ==> it was so easy to write and run.
  • we can run some set of commands in order. for example:
~username $ git status
~username $ git add .
~username $ git commit -am "Initial commit"
~username $ git push -u origin master

Alright, how can we curtail these commands, we must create .bash_profile(hidden file) in User directory. We can see the all file in current directory using other command below:

~username $ ls -a

In .bash_profile, add the new alias’ like:

alias gs="git status"
alias ga="git add ."
alias gc="git commit -am"
alias gp="git push"
alias gpl="git pull"
alias jv="java --version"

Make sure that you save the .bash_profile and restart the terminal have fun when using you new commands :).

Spare enough time to your computer