Getting start and installing the Jekyll
- Jekyll is a parse engine to serve our basic static web sites and it is also provided by Github Pages
- Also, we can use the markdown, liquid, html or css files with Jekyll
- Using the Jelyll is really simple and easy to use :)
- Before starting to use, Jekyll, we need to type some ‘basic’ command to terminal(we are not afraid of terminal)
- Not: in Mac OS X, gem can be installed by default. if you don’t have any idea whether gem is installed or not. type the following command:
~username $ gem --version
- i saw 2.0.14 is version of gem
~username $ gem install jekyll
~username $ jekyll new my-web-site
~username $ cd my-web-site
~my-web-site username $ jekyll serve
- When we browse the http://localhost:4000, we’ll see the our main page
- So, through $ jekyll new <your-site-name>, i can get the basic structure of a web-site that i can use spesific works, it may be writing blog for simple-but-handy programming tips :)
- I used the kramdown syntax that is based on markdown, it has some several difference to standard markdown. It was configured in _config.yml file by default. For more detail kramdown syntax
Heyyy Guys!!! you can get the source code of my basic blog site by click here and you can use all piece of the site as you wish
For more information use the link as follows:
Spare enough time to your computer