Bare Repositories

  • Before explaining the bare repositories, i mean, you have seen some questions like what is the different between git init and git init --bare?
  • They are similar concept but they have just a little bit distinctness. Okay! the most explicit attribure of bare repositories is to not have working copy file. The repositories controll all working copy files and we can say basically. The working copy files are files which developers work on. Working copy files may be named as working tree files. We cannot create new file(s) on bare reporsitories directly. You can clone the bare repositories and add new file(s) narrowly.
  • And also we can use bare repositories to work with our servers.

  • How to create bare repository

  • in the directory which you want to create bare repositories type the following command as follows:


  • after creating the bare repository, you can controll the subfolder of it. It must be like that:


Note: When you create a new bare repository, don’t forget to suffix the .git to repository name.

  • Our bare repository is ready, now all developer can clone my bare repository or push new files versions. I want to remember the important thing again about bare repository. You cannot use the bare reporsitories’ files. Just clonning the working copy files to your local.

Clone Repositories

  • Now, we will clone the bare repository to our local. You can use the following command to clone. And adding the new file called test.txt.


Note:There are some basic program like touch or cat. Never mind it :). The cat program that i write to command line show the context of file, if you type like above picture.

Commit and Push file test.txt to prıject.git bare repository
  • If two or more developer use the central bare repository, you need to send your file to the bare repository so that other developers get new files(this means pull operation).


It was classic git add commit push operation :D

Note:You can get some configuration information about ralated repository with typing the following commands. The config file is in the .git file that is in cloned project from bare repository.


  • Yes, new developer joined us. But they don’t have file which they work on. No problem dude if you want to get working copy file. You can use the ```git clone


  • The clone-2 changed the test.txt file context like “new test line” and realize commit-push operations. But clone-1 don’t see the changes that clone-2 type “new test line”. To see the changes clone-1 need to command git pull.


  • After pull operation in clone-1 side. The first clone can see the changed files inside working copy files(working tree)


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